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Retro Game Cheats For
"The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time"
(Nintendo 64)

This game is also available on GameCube.

Retro Game Cheats for The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (Nintendo 64)
Effect: Link becomes an adult
When u get all four medals ( which u can check on the start menu)
U go to the temple of time, and sing the song of time when go to the vey end of the temple.
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Effect: Get all the gold skulltulla tokens.
At the tree outside the castle, near the moat, near where talon was sleeping.
Play the song of storms by the tree. This makes a hole appear. Drop down the hole (this cheat wont work if you already have this token) and blast the walls with bombs. When you find the skulltulla, hit it with the boomerang. Now stand at the teleport, throw the boomberang at the token and as it returns, step on the teleoport. Now you have the token! Drop down the hole again and the skulltulla will be back. Repeat the process to get all the tokens.
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Effect: the cheat gets you 60 rupees then do the cheat over to get another 60 rupees
when you are the young link.
stand on the brige and play the sun song the brige will rise with you on it then there are 3 red rupee's on top
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Effect: Flying Link! (It Really works).
As a child.
As a child Use your wooden sheild by pressing R then while doing it press start and change to the Hyrule sheild. Unpause while still holding R. After look at link. He will be flying off the Ground!!
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Effect: Gets you to Gerudos fortress without using the upgraded version of the item dampe (dead) gives you.
As an adult and able to ride Epona.
Go to the broken bridge and get a run up and she will jump over the river and there you have it.
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Effect: makes link invisible (without game shark and it wont damage game!)
during the game
go to gerudo vally as adult link on epona. go to the tent and ride into in while still on the horse (this can be tricky to do! try leaning in a corner of the opening to the left or right). when you get inside the tent, and it is possible, you wont be on epona so whip out your ocarina and warp to lake will appear on epona and he will be invisible.try using your items!to stop link being invisible, simply leave the lake and go onto the feild. this wont damage your game in anyway!
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Effect: 500 rupees
When selecting the file
Hold down c up c down and c right the press z and a simultaneously
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Effect: Invincibility
Temple of time.
Take out the Master sword and while doing it take out your ocorina and play the Song of Time.
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Effect: Gets you an easy heart container.
After you have the lense of truth, as a kid.
Go into the treasute chest game and pay to play, then use the Lense of Truth to see inside the treasure chests so you can always get the key.
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Effect: Forces out a gold skullyula
When near soft soil
Plant a bug in it
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