GetDotted Domains

Retro Game Cheats For
(PC Games)

Retro Game Cheats for RuneScape (PC Games)
Effect: Get prayer level up
In game
Afer killing an animal or an enemy collect there bones and select to bury them and keep doing so until prayer level goes up.
Effect: Get loads of money
Raise your magic lvl to at least telekinetic lvl and either loadsa runes and magic stuff enough to defeat a lesser demon.or 2. raise archery to a high level then go to the wizard toewr. on the top floor is a lesser demon caged. use archery or magic to kill it. often it drops rune medium helmit. use telekinetic grab then get the helmet. go to varrock market and sell each helmet for 9 or 10k each
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Effect: gets 1000000000Gold
weekend at 1am GMT
Go to the docks and you see a monster if u stay there for an hour he give you lotta cash!
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Effect: the cheat gives you ful rune armour and lots of money
at 12:00 on the weekend
add a friend called money bags and then answer a simple question he sends you and then if you get it right he will send you the armour and money
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Effect: Get hp level up
In game
Keep doing combat and eventually your hp level will go up so you can do combat with more enenmys.
Effect: Get easy armour(note: recomended lvl 70+)
kill the green dragon on crandor island. this will then complete the quest. once u complete the quest, the dragon doesnt atack u any more. there fore u can go into the place where it is and any one that comes in tyo kill it, if they die, then u take their stuff.hopefully trhey have rune. simple. however this has not been tested.
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Effect: Get better wepons
In shops
Go into a shop and see what they have for sale and pay coins or trade for beter items. You can also find wepons.
Effect: Get orange text
In game
Press @ then type ora then a nother @ all together then type what you want to say.
Effect: Gets Level up fast
In game
go to the Dummy Place in Varrock
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Effect: magic money
at varrok bank downstairs
get lvl 33 magic and use telecretic grab to get 1-9097k.
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