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Retro Game Cheats For
"Resident Evil 2"

This game is also available on N64 and GameCube.

Retro Game Cheats for Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation)
Effect: Infinite ammo
In load game menu
Press up x4, right x4, L-shoulder, R-shoulder, R-shoulder, L-shoulder, right-c, left-c
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Effect: Gives you Rocket Launcher with infinite ammo
Goto nearest chest when on 2nd scenario
Complete the first scenario in under 2 hours with an A or B rating. Then save
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Effect: Play as Sherry and Ada
At the title screen
Press: Triangle, triangle, R1,R1, square, X, X, X, O, R2, L2, triangle, square, X and start and select at the same time
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Effect: The cheat unlocks a film which can published n the dark room.
While in the racoon stars office go over to table furthest away on left.
While by table tap X fifty times.
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Effect: Lets you wear different clothes!!!
During \"normal\"difficulty game
by collecting a \"special key\" from the dead zombie in the underground tunnel next to the police station. Choose difficulty normal start game, reach the police station with out picking any item this includes ammo. Enter the police station and then go back out to the right will be an underground tunnel in there will be a zombie in odd clothes. kill him and seach his body and take the special key. Play normaly until you reach the dark room the first room will have a cupboard unlock it and then you can wear different clothes!!!
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Effect: Enables you to use the special character, Akuma
During the game
Play through whole game (both scenarios) with either characters 6 times. But you must get an A rating in all of them. Once achieved you'll get a clue. Start the game for the 7th time and enter your name as AKUMA on the lab computer on both scenarios. Akuma will bust through a cryotank and you can use him.
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Effect: Extreme Battle/Survival mode
During the game
Successfully complete the game with Leon, then save the game. Then play Claire's second scenario, complete the game, and save.
Effect: Unlimited weapons
During the game
Complete either character's first scenario without saving the game in under 2.5 hours with an A or B ranking for the special rocket launcher. Complete either character's second scenario without saving the game in under 2.5 hours with an A or B ranking for the special gatling gun. Complete either character's second scenario without saving the game in under 3 hours with a A or B ranking for the special machine gun. The special weapon will appear in the next game after the first chest is opened.
Effect: Gives you Tofo scenario
During Gameplay
Complete The Game 6 Times Under 3 Hours Each Time, Without Using Any First Aid Sprays Or Secret Weapons. A Game Equals 2 Scenarios
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Effect: Tip: Quick and easy way to kill the very last boss
During game {final boss}
Use the magnum to kill the boss it should take about eight shots {even less when you have the extended barrel}
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