Biker, Red Jacket costume Find all silver rewards in England
Catsuit costume Find all gold rewards in Japan
Classic costume Find all gold rewards in Peru
Classic, Gray costume Find all gold rewards in Ghana
Evening, Red costume Find all silver rewards in Japan
Evening, Ripped costume Finish Japan-Meeting with Takamoto
Legend, Blue costume Find all silver rewards in Peru
Legend, Pink costume Find all silver rewards in Ghana
Legend, Union Jack costume Find all silver rewards in Bolivia
Snowsuit Costume Find all gold rewards in Nepal
Special Forces costume Find all gold rewards in Kazakhstan
Special Forces, Urban costume Find all gold rewards in England
Sport costume Find all gold rewards in Bolivia
Winter costume Finish Kazakhstan-Project Carbonek
Winter Orange, No Coat costume Find all silver rewards in Kazakhstan
Winter, Orange costume Find all silver rewards in Nepal
Winter. No coat costume Finish Kazakhstan-Project Carbonek
Draw Enemy Health Complete Bolivia Time Trial in under 12:30
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo Complete Japan Time Trial in under 12:15
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo Complete Kazakhstan Time Trial in under 27:10
Infinite Shotgun Ammo Complete Ghana Time Trial in under 20:00
Infinite SMG Ammo Complete Peru Time Trial in under 21:30
One Shot Kill Complete Bolivia Redux Time Trial in under 4:15
Textureless Mode Complete the game
Wield Excalibur Complete Nepal Time Trial in under 13:40
Wield Soul Reaver Achieve 100% Completion