GetDotted Domains

Retro Game Cheats For
"Need for Speed: Most Wanted"

This game is also available on PS2 and GameCube.

Retro Game Cheats for Need for Speed: Most Wanted (Xbox)
Effect: When You Hit a Spike Strip...
During a Chase...
When you are getting chased by the police on either level 4 or level 5 and you hit a spike strip try and get to the closest pursuit breaker and hiding place or just stay cooling down, trying to avoid the cops. When you have cooled down, go to Start and then Jump to SafeHouse, this will repair damage.
I have also found out that when getting chased by helicopter and police the best way of getting away is to use fancy pedal work and swerve into stadium from the highway, knocking down the large sign which will disable all cars chasing you...
You must then hide in the tunnel section and try to cool down...
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Effect: Unlock all junkman performance parts
at the first screen where it tells you to press start
up down up down left right left right then you need to complete the burger king challenge in the challenge series, its right at the bottom
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Effect: Junkman Engine
Enter it on the title screen.
Up Up Down Down Left Right Up Down
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Effect: makes car grip better on the road
when puttin type of tires on a car
select in the parts OZ wheels and pick multipiece 17" or 18" inch tires
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Effect: Porsche Cayman
At the "press start" screen, press.....
L, R, R, R, R, left, right, down
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Effect: Castrol Syntec Ford GT
At the "press start" screen, press.....
left, right, left, right, up, down, up, down
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