Use your units' advantages. If you are facing a lot of enemies, use the trooper unit. If you are up against vehicles, use heavy weapons.
Use the right unit for the right level. For example, use an engineer for lots of turrets/vehicles. Use snipes for high places with little cover below.
Always keep moving, because if you stop, you are a prime target for snipers.
Use vehicles a lot, as they keep you safe, you get lots of points with them, and some are much faster than walking.
When in vehicles, fill them up. The more weapons you can have going at once, the better.
Kill the most threatening units first. For example, if in a vehicle, take out the heavy weapons units.
Check out an area before you go into battle, so you see the turrets and other dangerous areas.
Use tactics, as charging into battle usually does not work.
Use cover a lot, such as rocks, logs, walls, water, and even grass.
If you are taking a CP, try to stand next to a health droid.
If you are having trouble defeating enemies, try to take out the enemy in ones and twos. This will get you a lot further, and you will come out with a lot more health.
If you are finding something difficult, play on the Hard difficulty setting for a few battles. When change back the difficulty setting, things should seem a bit easier.
Take allies with you wherever you go. Allies = firepower = enemies die = easy CP's = you win.
Ship list
Aayla Secura: Felucia: Fungi Forest, Jabba's Palace
Anakin Skywalker: Mustafar: Refinery
Boba Fett: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Utapau: Sinkhole, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple, Jabba's Palace
Chewbacca: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple
Count Dooku: Geonosis: Dust Plains
Darth Maul: Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Mustafar: Refinery, Jabba's Palace
Darth Vader: Tantive IV: Interior, Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Dagobah, Naboo: Theed, Hoth: Echo Base
Emperor: Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Naboo: Theed, Death Star: Interior
General Grievous: Tantive IV: Interior, Utapau: Sinkhole, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Dagobah, Mygeeto: War-Torn City
Han Solo: Utapau: Sinkhole, Polis Massa: Medical Facility
Jango Fett: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple
Ki-Adi-Mundi: Mygeeto: War-Torn City
Luke Skywalker: Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Jabba's Palace, Death Star: Interior, Hoth: Echo Base
Mace Windu: Geonosis: Dust Plains, Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Yavin 4: Temple, Death Star Interior
Obi-Wan: Utapau: Sinkhole, Mustafar: Refinery, Naboo: Naboo: Naboo: Theed
Princess Leia: Tantive IV: Interior, Naboo: Naboo: Theed
Yoda: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Tantive IV: Interior, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Dagobah
Republic: V Wing
Empire: TIE Bomber
CIS: Confederacy Strick Bomber
Rebel: Y-Wing
Republic: Jedi Interceptor
Empire: TIE Interceptor
CIS: Droid Tri- Fighter
Rebel: A-Wing
Republic: ARC 170
Empire: TIE Fighter
CIS: Vulture Droid Star FIGHTER
Rebel: X-Wing
Republic: LAAT Gunship
Empire: Imperial Shuttle
CIS: Droid Gunship
Rebel: Alliance Assault Craft