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Retro Game Cheats For
"Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal"
(PlayStation 2)

Retro Game Cheats for Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (PlayStation 2)
Effect: Have Double Bladed Laser Weapon
Pause the game
Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Up, Down, Left(2)
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Effect: Play as Nefarious
Enter in the Edit Profile Screen
Hold L2 and press Up(3), Left, Right, Up, Left, Up
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Effect: Get a Darth Maul double ended lightsaber
Pause game.
Hit Circle,Square,Circle,Square,Up,Down,Left,Left
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Effect: givs u a dalf-maul double-endedlightsaber.
pause the game and hit
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Effect: unlock dan character
go to the edit profile screen
hold l2 and press left, left, left, left, up, right, up, left
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Effect: easy way to win multiplayer matches
whilst playing multiplayer
use the flux rifle to snipe all the robots at the base. Then activate 1 of the big turets by walking to the side of it. Then keep doing side flips over the bullets and fire the flux when you hit the ground. once you destroy the turrets go inside . if opponate has put mines every where then use the lave gun because it still fires once you die.
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Effect: this is a hint not a cheat
during the game
when you upgrade the lava gun to its final version it becomes a liquid nitrogen gun
Effect: Climb Walls
Once you beat the game and are in challange mode
Turn on first person mode then jump twice,hit box. If your wrench hits a wall or invisible barrier, keep tappin box. You will be climbing the wall
NOTE:You have to be in the air when the wrench hits the wall!
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Effect: Gets you a lightsaber wrench
Onthe pause menu
On the pause menu click circle, square, circle, square, up, down, left, left then exit the pause menu and use your wrench and it will be a lightsaber
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Effect: Free ammo
Annihilation nation
Go into a challenge any will do and if you have no ammo for let's say the plasma whip it automatically gets you full ammo for all guns.
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