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Retro Game Cheats For
"Halo 2"

This game is also available on PC.

Retro Game Cheats for Halo 2 (Xbox)
Effect: lets you practice
in multiplayer
you can be alone in multiplayer
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Effect: Look like a marine
during making a profile
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Effect: Extra Ammo with Dual-Wieldable Weapons
When you 2 dual-wieldable weapons.
First, have 2 dual-wieldable weapons (a Needler and an SMG for example), but don't have them out at the same time. The Needler being the one you want extra ammo with, have the SMG out and find another Needler to dual wield with it. Then, find yet another Needler and trade that with your SMG. You'll have 3 Needlers, and have 3x the ammo.
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Effect: Blind Mode
At the beginning of outskirts
At the beginning of Outskirts jump on top of the light on top of the door with a crouch jump, then jump to the left platform. Turn to your left and go down the long dark corridor and pick up the skull; it will say blind and your screen will flash black for a while. In this mode you can not see your weapon, body, shields, ammo, or radar.To get rid of this feature use the following method:1. Turn off your XBOX or Save and Quit.2. Go to Campaign and select level and choose Cairo Station.3. Skip the cinematics and then Save and Quit.4. Go Outskirt and your hud is back.
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Effect: Grunts Birthday Party Mode
During Game
In the level Arbiter on Legendary. Once you get to the first banshee section, fly immediately straight down all the way to the bottom of the map. In one of the cracks where the large cylinders connect to the station. There will be a circle of grunts dancing around a skull. When you pick up the skull; it will say Grunt Birthday Party on the screen. Now when you kill a enemy with a projectile weapon, they will blow up like a plasma grenade was stuck to them.
To get rid of this feature use the same method as the blind mode.

In the level Arbiter on Legendary. Once you get to the first banshee section, fly immediately straight down all the way to the bottom of the map. In one of the cracks where the large cylinders connect to the station. There will be a circle of grunts dancing around a skull. When you pick up the skull; it will say Grunt Birthday Party on the screen. Now when you kill a enemy with a projectile weapon, they will blow up like a plasma grenade was stuck to them.
To get rid of this feature use the same method as the blind mode.
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Effect: Infinate Ammo
During the game
Get a rocket launcher, when reloding melee 2 times, it may take a number of times to get it right.
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Effect: secrect sniper position on ascension
any time on ascension multiplayer level
grab a banshee and fly on to the top of any of the 2 main towers here is a great sniper position with plenty of cover to recharge you shields
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Effect: Unlockable Map
Multiplayer Map - Foundation
Beat the single-player campaign on any difficulty.
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Effect: Make your own firework
During the game
Make sure you have at least 2 plasma grenades. If your outside throw 1 and then quickly throw the other. The first one should explode sending the other in the air to explode to make a firework. P.S make sure you dont move while throwing the other plasma grenade.
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Effect: Gives you the Scarab Plasma Rifle
This is to be performed on the level where you start on the tank and have to journey up the highway against the bombardment of ghosts and wraiths. The description is from the start of the level. It can be done on any difficulty level.
It takes a very long time to activate and requires a lot of patience. To start with, head up the road, killing everything you come across (except the banshees as they are very important!!!) When you reach the top of the road, make sure there is at least one Banshee flying around. Wipe everything else out (including the marines as they will try to shoot down the banshee!). Now, try and lure it down into the tunnel. It will constantly try and fly back up to the top and into the open, but persevere and bring it through the tunnel. WHATEVER YOU DO -DO NOT BOARD THE BANSHEE AS THIS WILL STOP THE CHEAT WORKING!!! Kill any of the Covenant you cross, as well as the marines. Try and get it through the obstacles and then at the end, try and get it up through the narrow tunnels to the surface. If you have done it right, the banshee will fly through the checkpoint/loading area. Now board the banshee (make sure it has displayed the loading section first, otherwise it won't work!). Now flying the banshee, head up to the roof of the big white building in front of you. You should see a little pyramid with an exclaimation mark and a plasma rifle floating above it. Take the plasma rifle and either shoot from the roof, or fly back down to ground level. Fire the gun to see that it is just like the plasma rifle shots, but explode with the power of several plasma grenades when they hit something. Absolutely brilliant to wipe out anything that comes into your path. I think you can only keep it until the end of that level. Good luck and stand back...
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