GetDotted Domains

Retro Game Cheats For
"Sims bustin out"
(PlayStation 2)

Retro Game Cheats for Sims bustin out (PlayStation 2)
Effect: This cheat allows you to have any thing at the lowest cost.
It can be activated at any time during the game except the mansion at the end of the game.
First pick an item that you would like don't worry if it is to expensive because you will get most of your money back. First take your item, place it anywhere you want and then move out of the house (NOTE do not leave any unpaid bills) as you are leaving a box appears and the person you are living with at the moment says goodbye and then another box appears and says that they owe you up to 90% of the value of the object you just bought. When you arrive at the new house get back in your car and move back into the previous house and behold you still have the object. Happy buying (NOTE this may be done with several objects).
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Effect: killing sims
during game
buy a swiming pool and diving bored when the sim jumps off take away the swimming pool then there dead
Submitted By:
Effect: loads the game faster
when in the loading screens
press and hold R1 or press and hold the down button!!! realy works i have done this!!!!
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