To do a handstand when you climb an object, hold Walk as you climb.
or ledge. While holding Crawl, press Jump. Lara will
somersault into the area below. This is better than having
to turn around and climb down while getting out of a tunnel.
This is also useful when getting into the water mill in the
"Old Mill" level.
PC & Macintosh Unlimited Large medipaks: Follow the instructions for unlimited small medipaks above, except make sure that Lara's health bar is not full and that you only have 1 large medipak in inventory. Select the large medipak in the inventory ring, press and hold the Look button (keypad 0) followed by the numeric key 9 above the letters on your keyboard. You should see the text under the large medipak change from "1x large medipack" to "large medipack." Press Enter, as if to use the medipak, and Lara should sigh. Return to inventory and the item should now read "Unlimited large medipacks."