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Retro Game Cheats For
"Tomb Raider Chronicles"
(PC Games)

This game is also available on PS2 and PS1.

Retro Game Cheats for Tomb Raider Chronicles (PC Games)
Effect: Do a Somersault:
During Play/Training
To do a somersault, crawl to the very edge of a platform or ledge. While holding Crawl, press Jump. Lara will somersault into the area below. This is better than having to turn around and climb down while getting out of a tunnel. This is also useful when getting into the water mill in the "Old Mill" level.

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Effect: Do a Handstand
During Play/Training
Do a handstand:
To do a handstand when you climb an object, hold Walk as you climb.
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Effect: Do a somersault
During the game
o do a somersault, crawl to the very edge of a platform
or ledge. While holding Crawl, press Jump. Lara will
somersault into the area below. This is better than having
to turn around and climb down while getting out of a tunnel.
This is also useful when getting into the water mill in the
"Old Mill" level.
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Effect: Unliminted small&Large medi-packs.
During the Game.
PC & Macintosh Unlimited Small medipaks: First, you may want to save your game in a new slot before trying this in case it doesn't work. Second, make sure Lara's health bar is less than 100% full AND that you only have 1 small medipak in your inventory. (Use any extra medipaks and then drop from a height or do something else to make Lara lose a little health.) Now escape to inventory and highlight the small medipak item. Press and hold the Look button (keypad 0) followed by the numeric key 0 above the letters on your keyboard. You should see the text under the small medipak change from "1x small medipack" to "small medipack." Press Enter, as if to use the medipak, and Lara should sigh. Return to inventory and the item should now read "Unlimited small medipacks."

PC & Macintosh Unlimited Large medipaks: Follow the instructions for unlimited small medipaks above, except make sure that Lara's health bar is not full and that you only have 1 large medipak in inventory. Select the large medipak in the inventory ring, press and hold the Look button (keypad 0) followed by the numeric key 9 above the letters on your keyboard. You should see the text under the large medipak change from "1x large medipack" to "large medipack." Press Enter, as if to use the medipak, and Lara should sigh. Return to inventory and the item should now read "Unlimited large medipacks."

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